LYCOtip: What do you do if your client experiences post waxing irritation or folliculitis?
Waxing irritation or folliculitis is something that can occur on some parts of the body after waxing. To minimise the possibility of an irritation happening, it is very important to observe the direction that the wax needs to be applied and pulled off the skin. Strip wax is applied with the hair growth and Hot waxes are applied against the hair growth then redirect the hair to be lying back down in its normal growing direction.
In all instances, it is advisable to pull all the different types of wax against the hair growth. One exception to this rule is in the pubic area you may have to pull the wax off with the hair growth as the wax may be difficult to pull off against the hair growth. Ensure to always support the skin to pull the wax against the hair growth. It there is a difficulty, then pull the wax off with the hair growth, then continue in the usual manner.
When the hair is being pulled out and it is pulled off sideways, the hair can dig into the side of hair follicle as it is being pulled, which can scratch the follicle and this can cause follicle irritation. Also pulling sideways, the hair can break while being pulled out. This can create irritation within the follicle and can result in more ingrown hair, which can result in folliculitis.
To help prevent and reduce these types of reactions there are a few important steps to take.
Steps to Take:
1. Cleanse skin with LYCOtane Cleanser
2. Apply a cool wet towel compress on the skin (just a hand towel that has been wet in cold tap water is enough, ring out well)
3. Apply Ingrown-X-it all over the area
5. Apply Tea Tree Soothe Lotion
6. Recommend home care for the client such as Ingrown-X-it solution, cream or wipes
Note: It is a good idea to ensure that your clients are educated on the importance of home care in between waxing treatments such as exfoliation. LYCON sugar scrubs are an excellent retail product for clients.
If a reaction does occur after using Strip wax (in larger areas), you can switch to LYCOtec or LYCOdream Hard (Hot) wax. It will be less irritating, if someone has a sensitivity. It is also recommended to use the LYCON Pre-Waxing Oil to help protect the skin.
Reactions can occur after waxing, but it is important to know how to handle them once they occur in order to minimize the overall affect on your client.